Alfred Ramirez- Lead Vocals
Duane T. Jones- Guitar
Shane Carlson- Bass
Brian Jones- Drums
“Swirl is the new age of rock”
Swirl was formed by guitarist Duane “DT” Jones in Washington State. The earliest version of the band scheduled a recording session in Southern California, but due to a scheduling conflict the original drummer was a last minute cancellation. One brief phone call later brother Brian “Bam Bam” Jones was brought in to record drums and became a permanent member of the band. Swirl went on to release their debut CD ‘Out Of Nowhere’. The disc was produced by Carlos Cavazo (RATT/ Quiet Riot) and Matt Thorr (Rough Cutt/ Jailhouse). Swirl toured the United States and Japan in the early 2000’s and achieved moderate success.
In 2008 “DT” entered the recording studio of Cinderella drummer Fred Coury with vocalist Alfred Ramirez. That session gave birth to the songs “Adrenaline” and “Sleepwalker” (both songs were produced by Fred who also played drums on the tracks) and reignited Swirl. The two songs led to management interest and tour offers. “DT”, Brian and Al recruited bassist Shane Carlson to finalize the new touring lineup for Swirl which began criss-crossing the US several times (to the tune of 50,000 miles) as the support act for the bands RATT, Extreme, Slaughter, George Lynch and others in 2008-2010.
Between 2011- 2012 Swirl had a musical makeover and began writing and recording new music. The band removed themselves from the LA area to record at Baxter Rd studios in Wildomar, California. The members of Swirl decided to use the lessons learned from previous recording session mentors to self produce the new material with post production and mastering done in Lake Elsinore, California with James Rieger.
Released on March 25, 2013 worldwide via iTunes, the new hard rock disc, ‘SWIRL’ demonstrates the same strong, powerful, hook laden, song writing that is synonymous with Swirl music, yet captured in a modern sound and production style that creates instantly memorable, emotionally impactful songs. Their songs are crisp and full of emotion. They are also catchy tunes with sustainability. They are full of radio friendly tunes, thick with rhythmic movements and hooks. “Fourth of July”, “Rise Up” and “Message” were instant hits with the bands rapidly expanding fan base, known as the “Swirl Society”. Members of the Swirl Society cast their votes in a month long ,worldwide, online campaign and selected “Rise Up” as the first single off the 2013 release, ‘SWIRL’.
According to Swirl, the “Message” behind the music has to do with standing up for what you believe in – not giving up and going for what you want in the face of those who put road blocks in front of you, it’s staying the course, staying focused and not giving an inch in any other direction, but the road you have carved out for yourself. Sometimes you will fall down, sometimes you will lose your way, but in the end the only way to win is you have to get back on your feet, dust yourself off and carry on so are you ready to “Rise Up”? Indeed, this group has quite a determination and a sound that captures that emotion. With every song, there is a personal experience that backs it up. You can feel those stories right through to your very core.
Swirl has developed a strong online presence through the various social networking sites available today as well as the bands official website Check out
“…an interesting and diverse band to check out, as they combine the best of the past 20 years of American Rock/Hardrock”- STRUTTER..ZINE
“SWIRL has an exciting new sound with great songs”- Carlos Cavazo (RATT/ Quiet Riot)
“…ample ammo for a wildly enjoyable party of pop metal fare.”
“…and high energy live show is gaining the band a large following and getting the band a lot of attention in a very short time.”
“I’m expecting big things from this band”- Susan Myers (Sony Music TN)
“Big Hit Potential”- Bobby Blotzer (RATT)
“Swirl is the new age of rock”- Grace A&R Select
Mehr über SWIRL
SWIRL website-
SWIRL Facebook-
SWIRL Soundcloud-
'SWIRL' on iTunes-
SWIRL "Rise Up" Lyric Video-
SWIRL Reverbnation-
SWIRL YouTube-
SWIRL Instagram- swirltheband
SWIRL Twitter- @Swirltheband
SWIRL (2013)
SWIRL - [self-titled]
01: Fourth of July
02: Spell
03: Rise Up
04: We are Alive
05: Message
06: Time to Fly (Adrenaline)
07: Mad Disease (Sleepwalker)
SWIRL ist eine Hard Rock und Heavy Metal Band aus Washington/Kalifornien und haben 2013 ein selbstbetiteltes Album weltweit über iTunes veröffentlicht. Dieses bietet 7 groovige Songs, die vermutlich gut widerspiegeln, was diese Band im Schilde führt.
Der Opener 'Fourth of July' ist eine gelungene Mischung aus harten Headbanger-Riffs, fetzigem Groove und versierten Spielereien was Gesang und Bridge angeht. Teilweise kommt ein Hauch von etwas was sich nach Alice in Chains anfühlen könnte durch, gefällt natürlich sehr!
Der Sound setzt sich weitestgehend so fort. Mal schneller ('Spell', 'Time to Fly') und mal Groove-betonter ('Message'). Hier und da blitzt wieder ein Gitarrensolo raus, das unmissverständlich klar macht dass es die Jungs durchaus ernst meinen.
SWIRL geben sich in keinster Weise mit gewöhnlichen, idiotensicheren Hymnen und Melodien zufrieden. Das ist natürlich erstmal lobenswert weil es frisch und liebevoll gemacht wirkt aber auch riskant. Manche Gesangsparts wollen einfach nicht ganz ins Ohr gehen und klingen einfach nur schräg.
Ein weiteres Manko wäre der eindeutig übertrieben verzerrte Bass-Sound sowie dem direkt gegenüberstehend die zu wenig druckvolle Gitarre, wobei das natürlich Geschmackssache ist.
'Rise Up' bietet einen kleinen Höhepunkt des Albums. Wer über die natürlich nicht völlig professionelle Produktion hinwegsehen kann, entdeckt hier einen astreinen Rock Song, der live richtig Laune machen kann. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit 'We are Alive', was zwischenzeitlich durch besonders krasse Gitarren glänzt.
Jeder Song auf SWIRLS Mini-Album ist in jedem Fall hörenswert. Es wird ein überdurchschnittliches Niveau gehalten, auch wenn man manchmal konzentriert über die eigenwillige Produktion hinweggesehen werden muss. Wenn man allerdings ein vollblut Old School Fanatiker ist, wird diese direkt wieder zu einem weiteren gigantischen Plus. Der Sound ist auf altbacken und 100% frei von Schnickschnack getrimmt. Charmant muss man an dieser Stelle mindestens sagen.
Was man an Kritik aufführen kann, sind entweder Geschmacksfragen oder könnten mit einem größeren Produktions-Budget gelöst werden. SWIRLs selbstbetiteltes Album ist eine starke Nummer die gehörig Lust auf mehr macht!
- 'Fourth of July'
- 'Rise Up'
- 'We are Alive'
- 'Time to Fly'
Text: Richard Metzler